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The '\p'
All about how '\p' is supported and implemented.
- What is a RangeVector - A RangeVector
har as a private structure Ada.Containers.Ordered_Sets Set with
rows of Velem type. In both Integer variables of a row a
CodePoint’value is stored
- Classes, Sets and MapPools - a class
corresponds to a '\p{}' notation in Regular expression. A set is
group of codepoint ranges. A MapPool is a library like structure
with named sets.
- UrvPack utilities - Tools for working
with Mappools, Sets, codepoint ranges, also called Elements, and
how to create these from file UnicodeData.txt and
To understand how a regular expression is implemented as a syntax
tree (RE_ELEM) and '\p{}' for
General category. In code the General
category for any codepoint is returned by function Get_GC. In coding Meta character sequences
is used, some sequences is only used by the preprocessor some are
part of regular expression (META character
Tools for working with the '\p'
- The CmakeGC_URV tools make General
Category mappools from Unicodedata.txt. and store these in a
mappool storage (DAT-file). The idea is to give as input only a
part of the Unicodedata.txt not the whole file.
- The CreateUnicodeBlock tool for
making and storing codepoint sequences from Block.txt to a
mappool storage (DAT-file). The idea is to make a specific
choise and store it. Can be used for characters in the Coptic
block or Greek block.
- Create mappool storage (DAT-files) for storing
RangeVectorPack.UserRangeVectorMap_TY.Map's with the tool CreateURV. Contain operation for loading,
storing and combiding content of mappools.
- Utility Classlist list the contents
of a mappool storage (DAT-file)