To make 21-bit (Unicode codepoint) text handling workable in a
ADA programming language. The solution is to implement types
Function for handling types above Text in
The implementation.
For text handling we have Regular Expression like what is
found in Perl language but this is ADA not Perl. We are not
following ICU standard of in our solution or C++ or
Java regular expression implementations. The regular expression is
implemented in package Y2018.Text.Jets and it's subpackages and
works with an index pair (type I_A is array
(1..2) of Integer). Where the first value refers to the
starting point and the second to the endpoint of an array of type
CFix. Only existing option is the posibility to search for strings
independent of case.
The '\p' implementation.
In this regular expression the '\p{}' notation holds many
features that is not obvious but is central for the support. The
'\p{}' notation is much more restricted than in Java or C++
( ICU).
Functions for testing and debugging and support for the change from TEST to Quality Assurance environments (by removing debug code from ads- and adb-files).