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UrvPack utilities

URV's for Patter call. URV's can be stored in external files and loaded from external files.

This is the structure of an element
type (Y2018.Text.Jets.RangeVectorPack.)Velem is
  f: Integer; -- first character value of this range
  l: Integer; -- last character value of this range
end record;

This is the structure refered as a URV_Set. An URV_Set can be stored or loaded from an external file
package (Y2018.Text.Jets.RangeVectorPack.)Set_TY is new Ada.Containers.Ordered_Sets(
  Element_type => (Y2018.Text.Jets.RangeVectorPack.)Velem,
  "<" => less,
  "=" => equal

This is the structure for the Pattern call. A 'library' of URV_Sets.
package (Y2018.Text.Jets.RangeVectorPack.)UserRangeVectorMap_TY is new Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps(
  Key_Type=> Unbounded_Wide_Wide_String, -- the name or identifier of an URV_Set
  Element_Type=> (Y2018.Text.Jets.RangeVectorPack.)Set_TY.Set,
  "<"=> lessUR,
  "="=> equalUR

The MapPool is a private type of Y2018.Text.Util.UrvPack and contains a map of type UserRangeVectorMap_TY.

Copy the urv for a pattern call:
function copy_Map(mp:in out MapPool) return Jets.RangeVectorPack.UserRangeVectorMap_TY.Map

MapPool utilties

A new URV_Set must be created (and named) with the 'insert' function. You cannot create a new URV_Set with 'put_Set'. The URV_Set is 'the library' of elements (Jets.RangeVectorPack.Set_TY.Set). MapPool is the private type of UrvPack, and in the same MapPool it is possible to store many named RangeVectorPack.Sets.

function copy_Map(mp:in out MapPool) return Jets.RangeVectorPack.Map_TY.Map; -- (ExXsi line 025)

procedure list_Map(mp:in out MapPool;path:String:="";topTitle:String:="-- Top --";BottomTitle:String:="-- Bottom --";prefix:String:=TAB); -- (ExXsi line 074)

function map_Names(mp:in out MapPool) return MapName.Set;

function Is_Empty(mp:in out MapPool) return Boolean;

function Contains(mp:in out MapPool;key:CVar) return Boolean;

function Length(mp:in out MapPool) return Integer;

procedure delete(mp:in out MapPool;key:CVar);

procedure insert(mp:in out MapPool;key:CVar); -- (ExXsi line 041)

procedure load(mp:in out MapPool;path:String;overwrite:TRINITY:=TRI_TRUE); -- read from external file (ExXsi line 059)

procedure store(mp:in out MapPool;path:String); -- write to external file (ExXsi line 038)

procedure clear(mp:in out MapPool);

Set utlities

Retreive a named set, key-value, from the pool
function get_Set(mp:in out MapPool;key:CVar) return Jets.RangeVectorPack.Set_TY.Set; -- example at line 007 in Classlist

Write a set into the pool and in that named set which is the 'key' (of element in the pool)
procedure put_Set(mp:in out MapPool;key:CVar;value:Jets.RangeVectorPack.Set_TY.Set); -- (ExXsi line 024)

A quick way to generate a set and populate it with values. The CFix array is considered to have distinct codepoint values for the set.
function make_Set
(s:CFix) return Jets.RangeVectorPack.Set_TY.Set; -- (ExXsi line 013)

List an element to STDOUT or to an external file
procedure list_Set(elementSet:Jets.RangeVectorPack.Set_TY.Set;title:CFix;path:String:="";lse:LSE_TY:=LSENONE); -- example at line 008 in Classlist 

    LSESIZE - number of characters in range
    LSECOMP - range first .. last value

Element utlities

An element (Jets.RangeVectorPack.Set_TY.Set) contains a list of character value ranges.
Example ExOmikron

function compress(inSet:Jets.RangeVectorPack.Set_TY.Set) return Jets.RangeVectorPack.Set_TY.Set;
in the example ExOmikron result from code line 037
026| --Beta:Compress--
027| >______41 .. ______46

function add(alfaSet:Jets.RangeVectorPack.Set_TY.Set;betaSet:Jets.RangeVectorPack.Set_TY.Set) return Jets.RangeVectorPack.Set_TY.Set;

function add(alfaSet:Jets.RangeVectorPack.Set_TY.Set;peta:Jets.RangeVectorPack.Velem) return Jets.RangeVectorPack.Set_TY.Set;
in the example ExOmikron result from code lines 020 and 022
003| --Alfa:One--
004| >______31 .. ______33
005| >______35 .. ______37
006| >______41 .. ______41

function sub(alfaSet:Jets.RangeVectorPack.Set_TY.Set;betaSet:Jets.RangeVectorPack.Set_TY.Set) return Jets.RangeVectorPack.Set_TY.Set;
in the example ExOmikron result from code line 028
015| --Gamma:Sub alfa--
016| >______30 .. ______30
017| >______34 .. ______34
018| >______38 .. ______39

(Note the difference between sub and slice applied to the same gammaSet)

function sub(alfaSet:Jets.RangeVectorPack.Set_TY.Set;beta:Jets.RangeVectorPack.Velem) return Jets.RangeVectorPack.Set_TY.Set;

function slice(alfaSet:Jets.RangeVectorPack.Set_TY.Set;betaSet:Jets.RangeVectorPack.Set_TY.Set) return Jets.RangeVectorPack.Set_TY.Set;
in the example ExOmikron result from code line 027
012| --Gamma:Slice alfa--
013| >______31 .. ______33
014| >______35 .. ______37

(Note the difference between sub and slice applied to the same gammaSet)

function slice(alfaSet:Jets.RangeVectorPack.Set_TY.Set;beta:Jets.RangeVectorPack.Velem) return Jets.RangeVectorPack.Set_TY.Set;

Scanning unicodedata.txt for elements

The UCD-directory will contain a file named "UnicodeData.txt",  this is the input for this utility. All parameters except the first are considered to be regular expressions for fields in the unicodedata.txt (field separator is ';'). Default value is null_CFix which stands for do not consider this field. If the field in unicodedata.txt is a match of the regular expression then this character value is added to the element. Note you should compress the element before use.

function UnicodeData(filename:String; -- UnicodeData.txt
   Character_name:CFix:=null_CFix; -- regular expression or null_CFix
   General_Category:CFix:=null_CFix; -- regular expression or null_CFix
   Canonical_Combining:CFix:=null_CFix; -- regular expression or null_CFix
   Bidirectional_Category:CFix:=null_CFix; -- regular expression or null_CFix
   Character_Decomposition:CFix:=null_CFix; -- regular expression or null_CFix
   Decimal_digit:CFix:=null_CFix; -- regular expression or null_CFix
   Digit_value:CFix:=null_CFix; -- regular expression or null_CFix
   Numeric_value:CFix:=null_CFix; -- regular expression or null_CFix
   Mirrored:CFix:=null_CFix; -- regular expression or null_CFix
   Old_name:CFix:=null_CFix; -- regular expression or null_CFix
   Comment:CFix:=null_CFix; -- regular expression or null_CFix
   Uppercase:CFix:=null_CFix; -- regular expression or null_CFix
   Lowercase:CFix:=null_CFix; -- regular expression or null_CFix
   Titlecase:CFix:=null_CFix; -- regular expression or null_CFix
   ShowLineCount:Integer:=0 -- show line counter at X number of lines read or for value zero, no line counter
) return Jets.RangeVectorPack.Set_TY.Set;

Scanning block.txt for elements

The UCD-directory will contain a file named "Block.txt",  this is the input for this utility. All parameters except the first are considered to be regular expressions for fields in the Block.txt (field separator is ';'). Default value is null_CFix which stands for do not consider this field. If the field in block.txt is a match of the regular expression then this character value is added to the element. Note you should compress the element before use.

function Block(filename:String; -- Block.txt
   Block_name:CFix:=null_CFix; -- regular expression (or null_CFix ?)
   ShowLineCount:Integer:=0 -- show line counter at X number of lines read or for value zero, no line counter
) return Jets.RangeVectorPack.Set_TY.Set;

Mappool utlity verifyDatFileContents

Verify that a given file has the content of a  mappool storage:
function verifyDatFileContents(path:String) return TRINITY;

The function reads the beginning of the file and searches for "JetsData_". The file is a binary file but it starts with these nine bytes with these ASCII values. The ending '.dat' is very commonly used and a check of the content is needed.
