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CCompile preprocessor
In this release of ADA without 21-bit constant support we have to
choose between
- Write the constant (constant
- Use at run-time a conversion UTF.To21("SOURCE")
- Run the preprocessor CCompile
for the "SOURCE"c value.
What is it
Based on the input there are three different possibilities of how a
?-SECT file can be generated
- package name_PSECT
is to be generated, a procedure definition is found
- package name_HSECT
is to be generated, a package definition is found without 'body'
- package name_BSECT
is to be generated, a package definition is found with the
'body' term (CODE_PACKAGEBODY)
If a need exists for a ?-SECT file then one of these is generated
with the named constants. The secret about the "-- with DSECT;"
comment is that the preprocessor has to insert one new line in the
original code for the with-statement needed to reference ?-SECT
generated ads-file. This will disturb the line number in most
raise-statemets. The "-- with DSECT;" comment reserves
a place for this with-statement in the original code and the problem
with the line numbering is solved.
How to replace
The preprocessor uses backslash as first character in a Meta character sequence for replacing values
\b (BS), \f (FF),
\n (LF), \d (CR)
and \t (HT or TAB) and hexadecimal
values in 'Codepoint'-strings by writing \xHH,
(where 'H' stands for a hexadecimal
digit 0123456789ABCDEF). But we have
to escape backslash (\) with an extra
By applying following pattern to every line the preprocessor
retrieves what to replace
001| patternLineSimple_C:constant
002| __"^(.*?)(" &
003| __"--|" & --[U1]
004| __"""(?:[^""]|"""")*"".|" & --[U2]
005| __"'\\[BFNRT]'C|" & --[U13] <<
006| __"'.'C" & --[U3] <<
007| __")");
if none of these is found then copy the
line as it is to output.
- U1 - rest of the line is a comment
- U2 - do we have a CFix constant ?
- U13 and U3 - static codepoint. Static codepoint values are
replaced as CodePoint'Val() values (Example: '\t'c -> CodePoint'Val(16#09#)).
if [U1] is found then copy the line to output. if [U2] is found
check for the 'c' or 'C', if not found copy what has been found to
output and apply pattern again to the line. If 'c' or 'C' is found
then we have a CFix constant and a constant should be generated in
corresponding ?-SECT file and the name of the constant should be
replaced here in output. If U3 or U13 replace the value with
CodePoint'Val() value, and apply pattern again to the line.
If no CFix constant is found then the output is complete and no
generated ?-SECT file is generated for this code file.