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Utility for listing an UTF-8 file as a file dump where every line
has a fixed amount of (unicode) characters and every character is of
equal size. Control characters, undefined characters or illegal
characters are replaced with a chess symbol.
♔ WHITE KING (null) '00'
♕ WHITE QUEEN (backspace) '08'x
♖ WHITE ROOK (form feed) '0C'x
♗ WHITE BISHOP (line feed) '0A'x
♘ WHITE KNIGHT (horizontal tabulation) '09'x
♙ WHITE PAWN (carriage return) '0D'x
♟ BLACK PAWN (next line) '85'x
♚ BLACK KING (control) Unicode general category Cc
♛ BLACK QUEEN (format) Unicode general category Cf
♜ BLACK ROOK (surrogate) Unicode general category Cs
♝ BLACK BISHOP (not assigned) Unicode general category
♞ BLACK KNIGHT (illegal byte)
� Unicode replacement character
Running export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=lib;bin/chesslist -r bin/chesslist in TEST directory.
Output on console
input bin/chesslist
output chess.lst
lines 1893
null 34078 ♔
backspace 273 ♕
form_feed 91 ♖
line_feed 40 ♗
horizontal_tabulation 78 ♘
carriage_return 81 ♙
next_line 0 ♟
Cc control 40976 ♚
Cf format 0 ♛
Cs surrogate 0 ♜
Cn not_assigned 3 ♝
Replaced 0 �
** WARNING, not an UTF-8 file** 22056 ♞
and the beginning of file chess.lst (20 first of 1893 lines). -blk
50, defaulted, but here line length seems to vary because of
variable length font characters.
♔♔♔♕♚♚♔♔♔♔♔♕♚♚♔♔♔♔♔ ♚♔♔♔♔♔♔♞4♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♚♔♔♔♔♔♔♚♔♔♔♚♔♔
♔♔♔♚♔♔♔8♚♔♔♔♔♔♔8♚♔♔♔♔♔♔8♚♔♔♔♔♔♔ ♔♔♔♔♔♔♔ ♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♕♔♔
♔♔♔♚♔♔♔♔♔♔♔S♞d♚♔♔♔8♚♔♔♔♔♔♔8♚♔♔♔♔♔♔8♚♔♔♔♔♔♔ ♔♔♔♔♔♔♔
♔♔♔♔♔♔♔♔C♔♔♔♞♔♔♔♕♔♔♔♘♔♔♔ ♞♙c♚♔($@♚♚♔@I@ ♞♞♚♔♚♞p♞♚♞
By only giving the utlity name as a
command (export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=lib;bin/chesslist) we get
List any file to an editor friendly list file.
All control characters are replaced by CHESS symbols.
Line length is fixed to the value of -blk parameter (default 50),
'line length' is the number of UTF-8 characters on a single line.
All non-UTF8 characters are replaced by BLACK KNIGHT symbol.
♔ ♕ ♖ ♗
♘ ♙ ♟ ♚
♛ ♜ ♝ ♞
Chesslist {<option>}* <input_file>
if no <output_file> then name of <output_file> is
-blk:<line length> -- length of line in output
-r -- replace characters with a code value over 16#FFFF#
on the console.
About the options
- -blk, the row length. Depending on the editor you are using a
value of 50 is probably too small
- -r, to solve problems with output for tools which do not
recognize UTF-8 values greater than 16#FFFF#. Theese values are
legal UTF-8 values but...
Source code of Chesslist