function To_String(currRE: RE_Elem_AC) return String;
list the node to a string (short version of this function is
function Who(currRE: RE_Elem_AC) return String
procedure To_CList(Qmap:in out;y:RE_Elem_AC;level:Integer;cntMax:Integer:=10);
list nodes to a multirow list. Links are used.
check if this codepoint is used as a meta-character
function ParseStringM(s:CFix) return Integer;
count characters in a string when backslash quoted characters (d, D, s, S, w, W, p, P, |, (, ), [, ], {, }, ^, $, *, +, ?, ., -, \) are considered as one character.
function QuoteMetaM(s:CFix) return CFix;
quote all meta-characters with backslash found in string. Meta
characters are |, (, ), [, ], {, }, ^, $, *, +, ?, ., - and \ .
Note in a regular expression if you want to write a backslash and
if you use the preprocessor you have to write "\\\\", one pair for
one backslash for the preprocessor and two pairs for quoting the
backslash in the regular expression, reslut four
for one and one for four. META character sequences
explained here.