Standard Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps definition for package CList:
Type Celem is
_____n: Integer;
_____s: CVar;
_____end record;
function cless(Left,Right:Integer) return Boolean; -- support function (<)
function cequal(Left,Right:Celem) return Boolean; -- support function (=)
package CList is new Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps(
_____Key_Type => Integer,
_____Element_type => Celem,
_____"<"=> cless,
_____"="=> cequal);
Nothing stange about this and standard
Ada.Containers.Ordered_Maps support can be used.
But why is Ordered_Maps used and not Vectors, the reason is the
possiblity to remove a line or lines without changing the indexing
of the CList and also the possiblity to insert a line at a
specific index value. These reasons are questionable at least.
Append another CList map to a CList map