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Some characters in scripts has "case". Most wellknown are Latin and Cyrillic characters. The notation of case is restricted to what is defined in the file UnicodeData.txt. This restriction results in the fact that all possible case opertion cannot be done by the package. Some case operations are wrongly done for some language scripts, the package donnot support case change for turkish 'I' and 'I'-with dot, and german letter ß (small sharp s) is not converted to 'SS' (for uppercase).

Change of case

function To_LC(s:CFix) return CFix ;
function To_LC(s:String) return String ;
function To_LC(s:CVar) return CVar ;
function To_TC(s:CFix) return CFix ;
function To_TC(s:String) return String ;
function To_TC(s:CVar) return CVar ;
function To_UC(s:CFix) return CFix ;
function To_UC(s:String) return String ;
function To_UC(s:CVar) return CVar ;

Convertion of case is much more complicated than the support here, and many scripts donnot have case at all. Title case today is used only in Kroatian language for a very small number of letters.

Get case

function Get_LC(c:CodePoint) return CodePoint ;
function Get_UC(c:CodePoint) return CodePoint ;
function Get_TC(c:CodePoint) return CodePoint ;

(same comment as above in “Change of case”)